DAV Movement In Odisha  
1st June 1886 was a special day in the history of real education in India. The first ever Dayananda Anglo – Vedic school was founded at Lahore with Lala Hansraj later known as Mahatma Hansraj as the honorary headmaster. Thus started the movement which blossomed into a unique institution, spread all over the country, emphasizing the confluence of Indian thought and culture, with modern technology.
Dr. A.N.Khosla, the then Governor of Odisha took the initiative for launching the D.A.V Movement in Odisha in 1968. As the Vice President of DAV College Trust & Management, he very well realized the role of this movement in the spread of literacy and technical education in the remote areas of this state.
He spent all his saving as Governor for spreading education and persuaded the other office bearers of the society to set up educational institutes by leasing land free of cost. Then there was no looking back. Today around 50 schools are running successfully in Odisha following the rich Vedic Philosophy of life "Charaiveti Charaiveti" ( move on and on).
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Rajabagicha, Cuttack, Orissa-753009
Phone: 0671-2349558
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Website: www.davrbctc.org

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