Principal’s Message  
Education is the biggest challenge of the modern world for it encompasses not only the psychological, social, emotional and well being but also the holistic growth and progress of the body the mind and psyche.
It is this Herculean responsibility that we at DAV Rajabagicha attempt to fulfill. Every child is unique and hence needs to be loved, taken care of and taught in a unique manner. We provide child centered education in an atmosphere that is both simulative and challenging. The child in fact, is the centre of our universe. He is our teacher. Imparting the values of patience, tolerance unbound and unadulterated love and affection to us-The teacher guides and mentors. We at DAV Rajabagicha strive ceaselessly to build and better lives.
Mrs. Sujata Mishra
DAV Public School,
Rajabagicha, Cuttack 
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Rajabagicha, Cuttack, Orissa-753009
Phone: 0671-2349558
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